EmailScheduler 1.0.2beta
Loads of changes, fixes:
- Added Option to minimize instead of hide
- fixed settings for Port, Debug, and new FormHide not reading back into the options panel
- fixed Connection error endless loop–will try 3 times, then fail
- fixed issue with the system check having multiple checks
- fixed Port number not working
- fixed an issue with SSL not connecting due to unknown cert.
- fixed a non-ssl account not connecting
- Added keep-live to sockets, see next item
- Added connection manager notification–should keep the connection alive for those of you with other programs to shut it down.
- other minor code improvements
One big change is the way I handle seecure sockets, before, I wouldn’t allow accounts that were using unknown, or expired certificates. However, some users that have their own server may not pay for a legit cert, so this program will accept ALL certificates. For most users, this shouldn’t be an issue.
Also, I noticed I was trying no matter what to secure the socket, even if you don’t want that. To make it easy, port 143 is always a NON-secure connection. All other ports, including 993 ARE secure. I could have another option for this, and if you bitch to me enough, maybe I will add it, but again, the majority, this should work great.
I am still not fully happy with how I check to make sure the socket is ok, but I think it is better. Let me know of any other issues.